ceesdekker Can Be Fun For Anyone

ceesdekker Can Be Fun For Anyone

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Spatial construction facilitates cooperation in a very social Predicament: empirical proof from the bacterial Local community

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The subsequent articles are merged in Scholar. Their mixed citations are counted only for the primary short article.

I'm able to barely picture how I, like a geneticist, would be capable of find out fundamental physics, not to mention contend at the very best. How did you go about it?

De sterke polarisatie in de discussie rond schepping/evolutie en meer algemeen rond geloof/wetenschap lijkt helaas geen eind te kennen. Toch is er wel degelijk een heilzame middenweg, maar deze krijgt about het algemeen weinig aandacht. Dit boek kan hier wellicht verandering in brengen. Wie de geschiedenis van de relatie tussen geloof en wetenschap in duikt, komt tot verrassende inzichten. De moderne mens leeft fulfilled veel stereotypen die historisch niet verantwoord blijken te zijn. Afgezaagde typeringen als ‘Vroeger dachten we dat de

Cornelis (Cees) Dekker (Haren, seven april 1959) is een Nederlandse natuurkundige en universiteitshoogleraar verbonden aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Van 2010 tot en achieved 2018 was hij tevens directeur van het Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft. Zijn vakgebied is de moleculaire biofysica; hierbij beweegt hij zich op het grensvlak van de natuurkunde en de biologie waarbij hij gebruikmaakt van de zogeheten nanotechnologie, de technieken om aan enkele atomen en moleculen te kunnen meten.

Size Charge of personal carbon nanotubes by nanostructuring Using the scanning tunneling microscope

He also identified time to jot down numerous guides, deliver Just about forty thousand tweets and lead An effective research group ceesdekker at Delft College of Technologies. ‘It doesn’t come to feel like work’, he states. ‘I’m just terribly curious.’

In 1993, to be a young and eager affiliate professor at Delft College of Technologies, I'd in the beginning focused the analysis initiatives of my team on measuring the electrical conductance of just one conducting-polymer molecule. In two decades, we had produced a device where only one wire of a phthalocyaninepolysiloxane polymer was connected amongst two carefully spaced metallic nanoelectrodes.

But carbon nanotubes have remained a research topic of considerable desire to a lot of. Without a doubt, the outlook on using carbon nanotubes to construct simple products, in locations such as radio-frequency electronics, digital electronics and flexible electronics, continues to be shiny.

Illustration (four) of bending configurations in 3D simulations of DNA rods on nanopores. A portion of the membrane is demonstrated in grey, the rim of your pore is highlighted in red, and also a 3D rendering of your motion of your DNA rod is exhibited.

Later on we spoke all over again briefly since Dekker felt that our discussion of his religion immediately became purely philosophical, whereas Furthermore, it concretely allows him in his work.

Visualization of unstained DNA nanostructures with Innovative in-concentration transmission electron microscopy techniques

The biophysicist from Delft – who has been one of the most cited experts from the Netherlands For several years – normally takes his duty to contribute to the rationalization and popularisation of his get the job done with the border of physics and biology incredibly critically and frequently seems while in the media; if not to talk about his get the job done, then about the relationship in between science and his Christian religion.

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